Rhubarb Young Plants

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Showing 11 of 11 products


The highest price is €82,80

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Grows annually

Rhubarb Young Plants

Showing 11 of 11 products

More information

The new market for premium vegetable plants

The new market for premium vegetable plants

Lubera.com, the online store of our sister company, has been selling premium vegetable plants for several years. These are grown in 1.3-litre square pots, packaged with care and then reliably shipped to customers. The price for most plants is currently around EUR 5.50, with a price increase of 10% planned for 2025. But how big is this market? What are Lubera's experiences in general? We are not initially discussing which companies could produce these young plants and where they are sold, we...

From rhubarb to Barber® - how a boring plant becomes exciting again

From rhubarb to Barber® - how a boring plant becomes exciting again

The future of rhubarb - with new variety families from Lubera Edibles

Once upon a time there was a plant that was also called the root of the barbarians because of its former use as a root medicinal plant: Rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum. And a rhubarb was a rhubarb, there were varieties but they seemed pretty interchangeable. How many rhubarb do you need in your assortment? One at the most!

Lubera Edibles Podcast #15: Not all rhubarb is the same

Lubera Edibles Podcast #15: Not all rhubarb is the same

A look into the history of rhubarb reveals a great past. The Arabs brought the root of the barbarians, which is the transcription of the Latin/botanical name of rhubarb, to Europe. The Russian Tsar later claimed a trade monopoly on rhubarb roots. It was only towards the end of the early modern period (at the beginning of the 18th century) that rhubarb was rediscovered as a vegetable plant. At that time, rhubarb was not cultivated much compared to other fruit and vegetable species. Great things...

What do rhubarb actually taste like?

What do rhubarb actually taste like?

Frederik Vollert, Moritz Köhle and Maja Pfund from Lubera’s breeder team are currently taking over the Lubera kitchen at the end of April – to cook and taste rhubarb. This is a rather unusual picture: dozens of rhubarb bowls on the table, men and one woman standing around the rhubarb table discussing the finer points of rhubarb flavour. What is going on? The Lubera editorial team wanted to know more and asked the acid-minded rhubarb enthusiasts and rhubarb chef Frederik Vollert about...

EverVeg® – the advantages for hobby gardeners, for retailers and for producing vegetable plants

EverVeg® – the advantages for hobby gardeners, for retailers and for producing vegetable plants

We use the term 'EverVeg®' to describe a wide range of different vegetable plants, all of which share the same characteristics: edible parts of the plant, perenniality and the ease of growing them in home gardens. Here we present this group of vegetables as a whole; we show the importance of Ever Veg® in the overall assortment and present the consumer trends that favour EverVeg®.

Root power – a look into the future of rhubarb

Root power – a look into the future of rhubarb

Looking into the future can be little more than looking into a crystal ball. What helps is to look back: rhubarb has a great past and history. There is a lot of future to be expected...not all rhubarb is the same – and a look at our candidate varieties from the Lubera® breeding programme shows what diversity even simple rhubarb is capable of.

Advantages of Micro-Propagated Rhubarb

Advantages of Micro-Propagated Rhubarb

Markus Kobelt of Lubera Edibles, explains all about the advantages of micro-propagated rhubarb within the Lubera Edibles Range.

'Lubera Edibles' is the young plant division of Lubera, it provides a large selection of delicious fruit varieties to growers. The companies of Robert Mayer and Lubera have joined forces to develop the new plants at Lubera which are then coordinated with the product development and in-vitro propagation at Mayer.


Establishment of rhubarb for sterile micropropagation

Establishment of rhubarb for sterile micropropagation

In order to be able to produce a large amount of qualitatively uniform young rhubarb plants in a short period of time regardless of weather conditions, the plants are micropropagated under controlled laboratory conditions in a sterile environment. Controlled laboratory conditions refer to abiotic factors such as light intensity, light quality, day length, temperature and humidity. Micropropagation is suitable for the mass production of genetically identical pathogen-free plants from selected...