Ornamental Raspberry Young Plants

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The highest price is €75,60

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Grows annually

Ornamental Raspberry Young Plants

More information

Arctic raspberry (Rubus arcticus) – the ground cover with edible fruits

Arctic raspberry (Rubus arcticus) – the ground cover with edible fruits

Arctic raspberries have been enriching our fruit-bearing range since 2025. However, this is not only about the fruit; the Arctic raspberry, or Rubus arcticus as it is known botanically, has other benefits as well. Over the years, the low-growing plants form a low carpet and the pink flowers radiate from afar. With the Arctic raspberries, we now have a new group of varieties with completely different uses than the usual representatives of the genus: Rubus – the raspberries and blackberries.

Raspberries 2023 – the ranking of varieties, growth types, fruit colours and plant sizes

Raspberries 2023 – the ranking of varieties, growth types, fruit colours and plant sizes

In the stationary market, the sales figures for the most important soft fruit variety, raspberries, are largely supply-driven: ultimately, what is sold is what buyers purchase and then what is offered at the points of sale. With the online range of our sister company Lubera.com, the situation is largely reversed: we sell what is in demand.

From mid-February until Christmas, a wide range of 36 raspberry varieties is continuously available. According to the sales figures at Lubera.com, we can...

The standard berry and its alternatives

The standard berry and its alternatives

The 2 to 3 litre pot, tall and usually square, has become the standard in berry plant production. If you wander through the garden centres in the spring and analyse the offers with a gardener's eye, all you see is always the same: almost the same pot, with a slightly different but always large label, nota bene with as little information as possible. It is a well-known fact that customers cannot read. At least that's what our advertising consultants seem to think. Garden centres are no better. I...

Wild fruit breeding at Lubera®

Wild fruit breeding at Lubera®

Unknown or little-known, hardly noticed fruit species are also worked on in the Lubera breeding programme. But why do we care about the obscure, little demanded, often not directly edible berry and fruit species, when we could possibly invest more in raspberry breeding? In this article, Markus Kobelt shows the importance of wild fruit species in the Lubera breeding programme and also describes in concrete terms the objectives for which research is carried out on the various wild fruit species.

Lubera Edibles Podcast #19: Gardener's talk: How do I produce raspberries? The intricacies of raspberry cultivation

Lubera Edibles Podcast #19: Gardener's talk: How do I produce raspberries? The intricacies of raspberry cultivation

Since it is the strongest crop in terms of numbers and therefore also the most important, the raspberry is the focus of attention at both Lubera® and Lubera Edibles, whether in breeding, young plant production or finished product production. The raspberry is and remains our 'bread and butter' crop. Because of this significant position, we cannot avoid dedicating a separate podcast to the production of raspberry plants. Even if you already produce raspberry plants it is worth listening in –...

Raspberry breeding at Lubera – the reinvention of the raspberry for the garden

Raspberry breeding at Lubera – the reinvention of the raspberry for the garden

Raspberry breeding has been one of the largest breeding programmes at Lubera for over 20 years. Ultimately, only apple breeding is even older, which basically began when the company was founded in 1993. The first goal of raspberry breeding was simple and overdue: it was to replace the dominant Autumn Bliss raspberry with better varieties. To do this, we crossed Autumn Bliss with Tulameen together with Reto Neuweiler from the Wädenswil Research Station – this then resulted in the Autumn...

Lubera Edibles Podcast #07: The new raspberry families: salmon raspberries, Chef® raspberries and Schlaraffia® raspberries

Lubera Edibles Podcast #07: The new raspberry families: salmon raspberries, Chef® raspberries and Schlaraffia® raspberries

Raspberries are booming. This is true for the fruit market, where consumption is currently doubling every 4-6 years. It's also true for the home garden market. But do we really need the 30 varieties that Lubera Edibles has in its range? And is there a need for new raspberry varieties at all? Is there any progress to be made? With these questions in mind, Frederik Vollert and Markus Kobelt highlight the importance and place of the new raspberry families: salmon raspberries, Chef® raspberries and...

Raspberry plants with yellow leaves – symptoms and causes

Raspberry plants with yellow leaves – symptoms and causes

That raspberry plants get yellow leaves is basically not a question but a statement. And it is relatively unimportant whether it is at a hobby gardener's home, during the production of pot/container plants, in our variety garden or even at our breeding facility. But as diverse as the individual raspberry varieties are, so versatile are the causes of the yellow leaves. And there is not always a serious disease behind it; it can also be a completely natural physiological effect. In the following...

FAQ Raspberries

FAQ Raspberries

One of the previous articles dealt, among other things, with the number of complaints about raspberry plants. What if the end consumer, i.e. the home gardener, comes to your company to complain about raspberry plants that did not grow well? We have compiled the most important questions and answers on the subject of raspberry plants for you. These are not so much cultivation tips for the production and cultivation of raspberry plants, but rather tips and tricks for the end consumer, which you are...

The production of raspberries in sets

The production of raspberries in sets

The past years have already indicated it and this year's “Corona spring” has confirmed it: the demand for 'edibles' – plants with edible parts – continues. Especially in this special year, there were phases in which the hunger for edible plants could hardly be satisfied, or in some cases not at all. Raspberries were particularly affected by these supply shortages, as they were hardly available, especially at the end of spring/beginning of summer. How could one prevent...

Complaint rates and sales opportunities for raspberry plants

Complaint rates and sales opportunities for raspberry plants

Every producer of raspberry plants knows this: there are complaints from end consumers and, based on these, also from retail outlets. Raspberries are among the plants for which a certain rate of complaints can be expected, even if one has completely fulfilled one's task as a young plant producer and of course as a plant producer. What is behind this phenomenon? When is the main complaint made, and could this not also be used as a sales argument? We have analysed and evaluated the complaints at...

The beginning of ornamental raspberries – salmonberry young plants at Lubera Edibles

The beginning of ornamental raspberries – salmonberry young plants at Lubera Edibles

The salmonberry, botanically Rubus spectabilis, is a species originating from western North America with strikingly large and bright pink flowers. With its very special show of flowers and the edible raspberry-like fruits, the salmonberry offers real added value in any garden. That is why we have decided to include the following varieties in our range.