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Steinobst Jungpflanzen

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The highest price is €0,00

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Winter hardiness
Grows annually

Steinobst Jungpflanzen

More information

How do I put together my berry assortment?

How do I put together my berry assortment?

Hopefully they are on holiday. Or even better, enjoy the fact that everyone else is on holiday. But once again, every plant producer is wondering which berry plants, varieties and assortments to choose for next spring. Because soon the young plants will have to be ordered. At Lubera Edibles, too, young plant production is controlled according to the order history and incoming orders. Later in winter or spring, you then have to take what is still available.

Wild fruit breeding at Lubera®

Wild fruit breeding at Lubera®

Unknown or little-known, hardly noticed fruit species are also worked on in the Lubera breeding programme. But why do we care about the obscure, little demanded, often not directly edible berry and fruit species, when we could possibly invest more in raspberry breeding? In this article, Markus Kobelt shows the importance of wild fruit species in the Lubera breeding programme and also describes in concrete terms the objectives for which research is carried out on the various wild fruit species.

Lubera Edibles Podcast #16: Gardener's talk: How do I produce fruit trees from Treelings®?

Lubera Edibles Podcast #16: Gardener's talk: How do I produce fruit trees from Treelings®?

In this new podcast season, we once again take you on a journey through horticultural production. As in the first podcast season, Robert Maierhofer, the operations and production manager at Lubera®, accompanies us through the production topics and answers our questions about the tricks of the trade when it comes to plant production.

In the first production podcast of this new season, we also introduce a new young plant product: our Treeling®, the new fruit tree young plant. Learn how to produce...